Relics of Witney
- Accommodation
- Animal Care
- Arts & Crafts
- Automotive
- Banking & Finance
- Breweries & Distillers
- Building & Construction
- Business & Legal
- Charities
- Cleaning and Repair
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- Estate & Letting Agents
- Farmshops & Cafes
- Funeral Directors
- Hair & Beauty
- Healthcare & Dentistry
- Home Care & Wellbeing
- Homeware & Furniture
- Miscellaneous
- Music Venues
- Plumbing & Electrics
- Pubs & Restaurants
- Shops - Various
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- More from Homeware & Furniture
Phone Number: 01993 704 611
The Old Works, Corn Street, Witney, OX28 6BZ
WRFM Music Mix
9:30am - 4:00pm
Fine tunes, events and local news throughout the day
The Big Drive Home
4:00pm - 6:00pm
The Big Drive Home with Phil, getting you home for the weekend. Weekdays at 4pm.
Radio BaaBaa
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Join Freddie every Friday night from 6-8 for the perfect way to start your weekend.
WRFM Overnight
8:00pm - Midnight
If you need some help to make it through the night then we're playing the best music mix to keep you going.
WRFM Overnight
Midnight - 8:00am
If you need some help to make it through the night then we're playing the best music mix to keep you going.
Kingsley Cafe presents the Vodka shots and Ryan Clayton
Location A40 Eynsham Bypass, Witney, Oxfordshire, OX29 4EF Join us at Kingsley Cafe on March 14th from 7pm for an unforgettable evening with @the_vodkashots. E...
Origami Workshop with Woodstock Library
Beginner friendly. Come and make origami with us. We provide the paper, you do the folding.
at The Oxfordshire Museum -
Nature, Natter and Nibbles @ Sutton Courtenay
Location: Sutton Courtenay Environmental Education Centre, Sutton Courtenay Road, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX14 4TE A peaceful stroll through the wonders of nature...
Today's Weather
Light rain
High: 8°C | Low: 1°C